China: Embracing the Market Economy 2.0



  译者:冯瑞玲 田起梅
  The Third Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out that in order to realize the Chinese dream of the great renewal of Chinese nation, we must deepen the all-round reform at a new historic starting point, the key of which is economic structural reform. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out that we must deepen economic reform focusing on the major issue that market must play a decisive role in resource allocation, and we must stick to and improve the basic economic system, improve modern market system, speed up the improvement of modern market system, macro-economic regulation system, and open economic system, accelerate the transformation of economic growth mode, set up an innovative country to develop a more efficient, more fair and more sustainable economy. This reform is a new starting point of China’s market economic construction, at which the CPC Central Committee draws a blueprint for China’s economic development.
  This book has the well-known Chinese economists Wu Jinglian, Cheng Siwei, Lin Yifu, and Chi Fulin on China’s economic reform after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Also include the prediction for the future economy by 30 economists and entrepreneurs such as Zhang Weiying, Gu Shengzu and Wang Jianlin.
  The Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms was adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. According to this Decision, our reform will be deepened in an all-round way in the next seven years, and it is expected to form a perfect, scientific and effective system by the year 2020.
  Market economy of 1.0 version was established during the last round of reform
  20 years ago, the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee passed the Decision on Issues Concerning the Establishment of Socialist Market Economy. It is a general plan and guideline for the aim of the reform formulated in the 14th Congress of the CPC to establish the socialist market economy.
  In view of this general plan and guideline, in 1994 we started all round reform in areas such as fiscal and tax system, banking system, foreign exchange management system, state-owned economy and social security system.
  Then, the 15th Congress of the CPC in 1997 further defined the status and role of the state-owned economy, public-owned economy and private economy in China’s socialist market economy, and made major strategic decisions to adjust and improve the ownership structure in the hope of establishing the basic economic system with “public ownership serving as the main body while allowing the development of all types of ownership”.
  Thanks to the all-round reform under the general design and guideline adopted in the 14th Congress of the CPC and the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, we have established the basic framework of the socialist market economy and set up the institutional basis for China’s economic success.
  We can call the market economy established in the last round of reform market economy of 1.0 Version, the primary version of market economy with lots of remains of the old command economy. The main characteristic of the 1.0 version is that the government still plays a significant role in resource allocation and interferes in business out of the range of its power or beyond its power.
  The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee lives up to the public’s expectation
  ……更多精彩内容,请看China: Embracing the Market Economy 2.0(《改革新蓝图》)


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