Jingwei Trying to Fill Up the Sea

A Chinese Romance Story


   作者:段立欣编写 沈宏绘

  [Illustrated Famous Chinese Myths Series]
  Chinese civilization is one of the most splendid cultures in the world, which dates back to thousands of years ago. Similar to many old civilizations, its early culture is integrated with legends and myths. As described in mythology, Chinese civilization begins with Pangu, the creator of the universe, and Nvwa, the creator of mankind.
  Full of fascinating material sand lucidly written, Illustrated Famous Chinese Myths Series enables readers to enjoy the charm of Chinese myths and legends as well understand the spirit of traditional Chinese culture.

  Emperor Yan had a daughter called Nü Wa, who was swallowed by the merciless ocean when she went out to sea. Jingwei hated the ocean for taking her life. Her soul turned into a little bird. She vowed to fill up the ocean, so she took small pieces of stone or small

  branches and threw them into the sea without stopping. Jingwei continued her actions to fill up the ocean. Even today, we can still see the little “Jingwei bird” continue its tireless work throwing stones and branches into the sea. This series is four color printing. The beautiful pictures and simple words make this series prefect for Chinese and overseas children's reading.



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