

  China is on the road to great national rejuvenation and is heading in a clear development direction. The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China suggested that China should “carry out an innovation-driven development strategy”, “stick to the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics”, and “pool the wisdom and strength of the whole of society and concentrate on innovation and development”. In the future, “made in China” will give way to “created in China”, and the creation will be recognized world wide. In the process of its development, China will draw lessons from foreign advanced technology, but more importantly, it should rely on its own efforts.


  This series of books timely reflects positive social achievements of China in various fields with regard to current social development trends, especially projects, enterprises and events which feature a creative spirit and creativity, and strives to interpret the most representative and latest creative achievements of China in a comprehensive and complete manner.



  This series consists of six books: Centennial Hydraulic Project: South-North Water Diversion, Speeding Ahead: China’s Rapid Transit Railways, Seabed Wonder: Xiamen Xiang’an Tunnel, Energy“Expressway”: West-East Natural Gas Transmission, China’s Journey to Space: From Dream to Reality and Feeding a Nation: China’s Innovative Agriculture.



  On November 6, 2012, China's first set of 20MW large domestic electric-driven compressor units for the long-distance natural gas pipeline were successfully ignited and stably operating in Gaoling sub-transmission station of the WEPP II. (Energy "Expressway": West-East Natural Gas Transmission)


  The Nanjing Dashengguan Yangtze River Bridge along the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway. (SpeedingAhead: China’s Rapid Transit Railways)


  The high-speed railway of the longest length with one-stage completion in the entire world: the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway. (Speeding Ahead: China’s Rapid Transit Railways)


  Chang'e 2 Lift into Thermal Vacuum Tank for Test. (China's Journey to Space: From Dream to


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